Monday 21 May 2012

Request and Complain... a great deal nowadays!

Whether you'd like to write a request or a complain letter you have to think them and approach them in the same style. Elegance, simplicity and accuracy must not leave you when complaining or asking for things. You must understand that shouting and insulting is not an option; to show the people you work with or collaborate what you really want is the same with understanding who you really are. If words and ethics leave you each time you think you need them then it's not society's fault.

I will put here some links with examples, samples and rules, even templates to help you create a better way of communication, a better understanding of things and written or unwritten rules when it comes to asking... for something. The most important things are the manners, the polite ways you find to ask somebody to give you something or the right way to make somebody undo a broken deal. 

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