Thursday, 31 May 2012

Ziua prieteniei inseamna joc!

La Prichindelul Poliglot din Ploiesti ziua prieteniei a luat o forma unica, frumoasa si foarte distractiva. Copii s-au jucat Quarto si Quoridor si le-a placut enorm. Pe langa activitatile lor in limba engleza jocul a distrat prichindeii de diferite varste. Au ales singuri metoda de joc, si-au format strategiile si le-au pus in practica poate mai bine ca un matur. Jocurile noastre sunt foarte dorite in diferite forme, fie ele date spre cumparare, imprumut sau formare de club din nevoia de socializare si pastrarea prieteniei. Toate aceste variante vor fi posibile la formarea magazinului on line, nu mai tarziu de o luna de azi in colo. Tinem sa multumim mult scolilor care ne-au pus la dispozitie clasele, ne-au acordat incredere si ma ales doamnelor "miss-elor" care s-au jucat cu noi.
prichineii Denisei
De 1 iunie ne gasiti in parcuri pe paturica sau pe la mese jucandu-ne mai peste tot in Ploiesti si mai ales in Parcul Bucov. Daca ati auzit in Ploiesti de Twister sau Jungle Speed, Rush Hour sau Abalone sigur ati auzit de noi, Playful Personality Builder. Tineti minte: imbatranim si suntem posomorati atunci cand uitam sa ne jucam, sa traim!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Request and Complain... a great deal nowadays!

Whether you'd like to write a request or a complain letter you have to think them and approach them in the same style. Elegance, simplicity and accuracy must not leave you when complaining or asking for things. You must understand that shouting and insulting is not an option; to show the people you work with or collaborate what you really want is the same with understanding who you really are. If words and ethics leave you each time you think you need them then it's not society's fault.

I will put here some links with examples, samples and rules, even templates to help you create a better way of communication, a better understanding of things and written or unwritten rules when it comes to asking... for something. The most important things are the manners, the polite ways you find to ask somebody to give you something or the right way to make somebody undo a broken deal. 

Thursday, 17 May 2012


The most important aspect of all times, the most studied "object" and by all means the creator of what we have nowadays: manners!!... I would very much like to stop and check the significance of the word and then try to understand why manners are as important as religion is. It seems to me that ever since the man worked with his mind, manners became the perfect code to identify the origins of each and any one of us and, in the same time, the perfect solution to get out of trouble in a diplomatic way. To my mind manners not only became the high living standard but they actually can make the difference between an ignorant and an educated person (as in a person that studies all the time).

Unfortunately we raised up this idea too much and with that we decomposed the meaning and the effect. Now, manners come along with an enormous quantity of hypocricism and fake attitude to mislead a fact, a behavior and, nevertheless to hide the weak parts of the personality of a person. It is such a shame how the good things become little by little bad things, and how we have the power to change everything we want as we want it to be. Too bad we use all our forces to destroy what once was created to support the good, to create the elegant and come to a sense.

In schools teachers try to use an unshaped form of what's left from what it used to be. It's a mystery how people feel so strong the need to return to innocence in such an active and demanding century. I try myself to open this door once again. In my opinion living in a paradox cannot make you happy. In the same opinion I strongly believe that manners shouldn't appeal to our business life but to our social life, better saying sentimental life. Manners must make you who you are not help you build a business or get out of unwanted interactions. Words, talking, communication must impose manners to guide us to a better, nicer life, to make sure we respect us and all others around us. Show and teach all the kids or persons you think that they need this. Stop looking in a different direction when you see something disrespectful! Do something about it, don't just stand there trying to "exist less" in that place. Ask for manners and sex education in the same time, having the same importance. Building better us means a better way of having everything!

Do you still remember? "May I...?", "Please", "with all my appreciation...", "thank you", "can you show me/ give me/ tell me..."

Playful Personality Builder insists on manners using society games and lots of stories

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Templates! a must have!

The most beautiful method to learn English quickly, nice and healthy is to follow the "templates" and the structure in what it is that you have to write or say. I will guide you adding some links that work like a charm and can help you big time. The only thing that is left to say is to pay attention with what comes next: when writing an informal letter, please make sure not to be too blunt. Express yourself with simple words that can actually say something and continue the manner that you began with... The common mistake of all foreigners is to write the whole letter in their language and then translate it. Nope, that is a no, no! This can be a first step to act like and try to understand what "the thinking in English" means. Try to search the word (not idea) in your head and then search it in a dictionary. Try to avoid the polite ways in your language and stick to the templates! That's why they exist. Good luck!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Playful Personality Builder deja in gradinite si in companii

Programul Playful Personality Builder are pe langa joc, program de invatarea limbilor straine. Engleza fiind cea mai ceruta, a avansat intr-un mod foarte placut in Gradinita Irina din Bucuresti. Aici copii invata, dupa metoda noastra, atat maniere (in limba engleza) cat si diverse comenzi si sunetele, respectiv minimul de vocabular trebuincios pentru a se prezenta la scoala primara. Jolly Phonics ajuta copii sa inteleaga si sa foloseasca sunetele (spun sunetele pentru ca informatia este asimilata diferit decat in prezenta unor flashcards cu alfabetul sau mai rau cu existenta unor cuvinte scrise sub imagini) si sa rosteasca corect cuvintele invatate.

PPBuilder raspunde de asemenea nevoii de invatare a limbii engleze a maturilor, in special a companiilor cu nationalitati mixte. Programul are flexibilitate de nivel, de forma si de metoda, mulandu-se perfect pe dorintele fiecarei persoane. Atat la nivel incepator cat si la nivel avansat se poate distinge ajutorul manualelor si a programelor britanice de amploare si maxima perseverenta in domeniu.

Irregular verbs, how to learn easier

Many years of learning and many years of practicing can be useful when dealing with the irregular verbs. To make this easier I thought of choosing the verbs that rhymes or have the same "end": put, cut, let, set, bring, buy...etc. Some other way to make your work easier is to classify according to their form: drive (3 forms), build (2 forms), cost (1 form). If you want to learn this in an even easier way you can blend the two methods: rhyme and form! It will take a while to finish it but it worth it!

The most important thing is to see and understand what you use frequently. Don't use the whole dictionary of irregular verbs, just the verbs you know you use. To see what you need, take some of your mails, some parts of your work and highlight the verbs, the actions, the movement in there.

If you believe these actions are hard and take time, than you can try to search the verbs that have both forms admitted (regular and irregular, past and past participle) and separate them from the others.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Irregular verbs

One of the most important aspect of English, about speaking English are the irregular verbs. No matter how hard you'd try to speak using other parts, ways, if you don't know these verbs you don't know English. I'm saying this so easily because I can surely explain it: If you take a closer look to this text you'll find a lot of actions, a lot of verbs. Now, I try to use the simple present in most of my articles for giving a fresh attitude and a present way, face to face, sort of speak, closeness and an easier way to interpretate my pieces of advice. No matter the time used, verbs are still existing.

It is the verbs that put the mark on what's well or not so well written. Adjectives, pronouns or nouns are the ones creating a contour and the verbs are the fine touch (as I like to call it). The most common way to learn the verbs is to use them in everything that you do. When you have a busy day try to squeeze a little fun exercise by using short sentences inside your head "i'm writing an e-mail, i wrote a mail to my boss". Don't hesitate to search the verbs in a dictionary and understand exactly the meaning. Nothing will be in its order unless you understand perfectly the match, the meaning and the expressions.

A simple piece of advice: don't learn like in school. Read a book, read on cereals bags, it doesn't matter where, just read, choose a text and then try to fully understand all written. The most important thing is to become aware of their importance and try to structure them inside your head instead of creating a stress, a disaster out of it.