It's simple! Just look at the images:
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
Dream, work, get
Imi place sa visez sa ma “indragostesc” de un lucru, de o fiinta sau chiar de un vis de-al meu. De mica am invatat sa muncesc mult si sustinut pentru a-mi duce visele spre implinire si pentru a imi sustine ideile ajunse intr-un fel sau altul in minte. De cand aveam 4 anisori ma jucam cu papusile si visam sa ajung director de scoala. De cativa ani incoace visez la o scoala socratiana si la infiintarea unei metode de educatie non formala care sa depaseasca nivelul de gradi. Ce am realizat? Sunt prof. de limba si literatura Engleza de mai bine de 10 ani, am ceva diplome, cursuri si participare la diverse programe de dezvoltare personala, perfectionare si abordare a noi metode de predare iar anul acesta prin aprilie am trecut serios la treaba si am inceput sa pun totul, absolut totul intr-un singur vis devenit realitate, devenit un puternic program educational ce aduce dezvoltarea personala la un alt nivel. Playful Personality Builder este tot ceea ce poate cauta un profesor si un parinte si un copil. Programul sustine metode vechi si foarte noi de abordare a tuturor felurilor de personalitate, de perfectionare a nevoilor oricarui fel de om. Coloritul, muzicalitatea, jocul si maniera total naturala, bazata pe instinctual, emotional si firesc, impletita cu ultimele metode de predare acceptate atat in America si preluate in EurAsia face diferenta de orice ati intalnit pana acum deoarece se dezvolta in absolut orice directie. Structurat pe arta (ateliere de creatie- fimo, origami, quilling, pictura, design vestimentar), cultura (ateliere de joc, cursuri de pian, dansuri, literatura universala cu metoda interactiva) si invatarea limbilor straine ca araba, spaniola, engleza, franceza, portugheza si romana pentru straini reliefeaza din fiecare ins partea cea mai frumoasa, caracteristicile puternice si sansa inevitabila de o viata frumoasa, echilibrata si armonioasa.
Cu efect de terapie (bine inteles, cu ajutorul unui specialist din Bucuresti) ajutam disciplina sa pice la intelegere cu creatia si rutina. Deseori stimularea energiilor pozitive emana cele mai dragalase si mai frumoase creatii, indiferent de aria de dezvoltare. Participantii la program, indiferent de varsta, ajung la uimirea de sine si deseori la dorinta de face parte din program, a se dedica in totalitate datorita schimbarii uriase asupra gandirii si felului de trai. practic, instaland opimismul in carente corecte, revitalizand si dand un sens educational jocului (pentru ca la baza asta este jocul), explicand corect multe cuvinte din dictionar si dand libertatea de creatie orice om se intrece pe sine, se dezvolta armonios, gandeste normal si devine sanatos din punct de vedere emotional. Programul redefineste puterea de apropiere dintre oameni prin activitati ce nu includ virusii societatii actuale. Dansul, jocul, arta, conversatia, evenimentul, face apropierea dintre semeni naturala, canalizata pe comunicare si naturalete, inlaturand astfel stereotipuri de orice fel.Evenimentele noastre cat si cele la care luam parte (atat in Ploiesti, Bucuresti si speram noi si Buzau) sustin aceleasi idei amintite mai sus si doresc implementarea programului Playful Personality Builder in fiecare casa, familie si mai ales in orice prietenie. Intr-un timp in care viteza si tehnologia au preluat controlul trebuie sa nu uitam ce suntem: oameni cu structura mentala si emotionala care se dezvolta diferit de ceea ce ne inconjoara. Toti ne unim cu cun concept si toti dorim sa ne auto depasim; Playful Personality Builder face diferenta intre ce esti si ceea ce poti fi si ceea ce crezi si iti inchipui ca exista.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Maria Stanescu, PR despre Playful Personality Builder
PPB este un program educational si
recreativ care isi propune sa aduca in comun arta, educatia si cultura si sa
formeze personalitati puternice, autentice printr-o metoda cat se poate de
neconventionala. Programul instiga la
auto cunoastere, depasirea propriilor limite si mai ales la dezvoltarea si
practicarea propriului hobby.
PPB se adreseaza atat copiilor cat si
adultilor si ofera tuturor o paleta larga de optiuni si activitati. De la
cursuri de engleza , dans, pian, balet si bune-maniere pana la o varietate de
jocuri inteligente, ca pretext perfect pentru o seara in familie sau alaturi de
Mixul de activitati propus de PPB este
special tocmai pentru ca metodele alese
sunt atestate psihologic, iar efectele programelor sunt puternice pe
termen lung. Promovand valori importante, precum corectitudinea, spiritual
ludic, dezvoltarea inteligentei emotionale si antrenamentul mental, ca “sport”
practicat cu regulariate pentru o stare generala cat mai buna, programul vine
in intampinarea tuturor celor care se respecta si vor se evolueze, indiferent
de varsta.
Cursurile de engleza sunt construite pe
metoda Jolly Phonics la copii si imprumuta elemente puternice din stilurile de
predare Oxfrod si Cambridge pentru adulti. Programele faciliteaza invatarea rapida
tocmai prin metodele aparent simple, care au insa in spate cercetari solide,
care atesta eficienta sporita a acestora. Practic, cursantii se relaxeaza si se
joaca in timp ce invata. In acest fel, PPB a reusit sa scoata din ecuatia
educatiei clasice metodele incarcate inutil de teorie, si propune un stil interactiv si ludic, care
creste motivatia cursantului.
Cursurile se desfasoara in locatiile
partenere sau acasa la clientii, iar PPB asigura si materialele necesare.
Pentru ca ne place sa fim nu doar flexibili si creativi, dar in primul rand
corecti, preturile cursurilor sunt foarte mici si accesibile oricui.
Organizam evenimente sau asiguram recuzita
necesara pentru cei care doresc sa-si coloreze evenimentele private si zilele de nastere, sau alte activitati ca
work-shopuri, team-buildinguri, sau petreceri tematice pentru adulti sau copii.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Copii au nevoie de joaca, articol scris de psiholog, Anca Popa
Pentru ca un copil sa fie
fericit si sa se dezvolte armonios, el are nevoie sa i se ofere oportunitatea
de a se juca, ori de unul singur, ori cu alti copii. Mesajul pe care il
receptioneaza un copil cand i se ofera prilejul sa se joace este ca poate incepe
sa se destinda, sa se simta liber si sa se exprime asa cum simte si stie el.
Activitatile placute
contribuie in mod activ la elevarea starii de bine si a diminuarii
sentimentelor negative; timpul in care un copil este prins in mrejele jocului
este un timp plin de magie, un timp care-i permite copilului sa se relaxeze, sa
fie fericit, sa invete si sa se dezvolte atat pe plan personal, cat si pe plan
Prin observarea
comportamentelor afisate in timpul jocului, se pot identifica o serie de procese
cognitive, afective si interpersonale; de fapt, acesta este si motivul pentru
care jocul este cea mai importanta unealta folosita in programele de dezvoltare
personala pentru copii. O data descoperite aceste procese, se poate interveni
fie prin incurajarea si stimularea abilitatilor si comportamentelor pozitive,
fie prin corectarea proceselor problematice.
Haideti sa vedem cateva
dintre beneficiile clare pe care le poate obtine copilul dvs. prin joc:
care se joaca sunt mai putin predispusi iritabilitatii si plictiselii
cum sa isi exprime in mod sanatos atat sentimentele negative, cat si pe cele
este mai usor sa se simta confortabil in grupuri
cum sa isi exprime emotiile, sa le proceseze si sa le modifice, pentru ca apoi
sa le foloseasca intr-un mod constructiv
empatiei, adica a abilitatii de a intelege ce simt altii, de a e pune in pielea
increderii in cei din jurul lor
ideilor, a nevoilor si a sentimentelor fata de alte persoane
solutiilor pentru problemele/dificultatilor care se ivesc, stimularea
capacitatii de a genera solutii precum si a abilitatii de a calcula
cum sa devina mai organizati si mai rabdatori
pozitive sporesc eficienta sistemului imutitar, endocrin si cardiovascular
incurajeaza spiritul de echipa
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Funny quotes
I see that all of you like, share and discuss quotes. It seems to me that this can be 1 step ahead to actually become more accurate, using more common sense and be more tender. As you all know we use in our program lessons for developing communication and manners. As hope lasts the longest and funny stuff always gain more territory than any other kind of activity, serious talking or method of teaching people "how to..." I've searched some of the nicest quotes that can make your day better, think more and actually do more!
Here it is:
No employee makes the same mistake twice. He is fired the first time. Isaac Asimov (and a lot more to come here on this site that is absolutely awesome!)
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it...
Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut-up!!!
Many more to come here on this site
Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.
Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you. Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.
Here it is:
No employee makes the same mistake twice. He is fired the first time. Isaac Asimov (and a lot more to come here on this site that is absolutely awesome!)
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it...
Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut-up!!!
Many more to come here on this site
Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.
Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you. Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Most common and the funniest jokes of Great Britain
Postman: Is this letter for you? The name is smudged.
mother, “Mummy, today in school I was punished for something that
I didn’t do.”
to have a talk with your teacher about this! By the way, what was
it that you didn’t do?”
indicating that “Johnny seems to be having some difficulty with
the differences between boys and girls,” and would his mother
“…please sit down and have a talk with Johnny about this.”
bedroom, and closes the door.
unbuttons her blouse and takes it off.
Man: No, it can't be for me, my name is Smith.
Old Lady: Do you always play by ear?
Street Musician: Yes, lady, 'ere or 'ereabouts.
One day little Jenny came home from school, and said to her
The mother exclaimed, “But that’s terrible Jenny dear! I’m going
Little Jenny replied, “My homework.
So, Johnny’s mother takes him quietly by the hand upstairs to her
“First Johnny, I want you to take off my blouse…” So he
“OK, now take off my skirt…” And he takes off her skirt.
“Now, take off my bra…” Which he does.
“And now, Johnny, please take off my panties…”
And when Johnny finishes removing these, she says,
“Johnny, PLEASE don’t wear any of my clothes to school any more!
English Captain: Did you came here today???
American Soldier: No I came here yesterday!
I told the ambulance men the wrong blood type for my ex, so he knows what rejection feels like" – Pippa Evans
"I like Jesus, but he loves me, so it's awkward" – Tom Stade
The Scots invented hypnosis, chloroform and the hypodermic syringe. Wouldn't it just be easier to talk to a woman?" – Stephen Brown
"The anti-aging advert that I would like to see is a baby covered in cream saying, 'Aah, I've used too much'" – Andrew Bird
How do you get rid ofcockroaches?Tell them you want along-term relationship
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Collective nouns
Today’s topic is collective nouns, nouns that describe a group, such as “family,” “orchestra,” and “board.”
Guest-writer Bonnie Trenga writes.
There are around 200 collective nouns in the English language (1). Sometimes they take a singular verb, but other times they take a plural verb. The most important thing to realize is that there are no hard and fast rules here, only trends. Usually, which verb you use depends on two things: whether you consider the collective noun to be a single unit or to be made up of individuals, and whether you’re American or British.
Singular or Plural Verbs?
Let’s use the collective noun “couple” as an example. When you are thinking of the couple as two separate people doing separate things, you would probably use a plural verb. For example, you would say, "The couple are vacationing separately this year," because they are two different people doing two different things. On the other hand, if you're thinking of the couple as a single unit, you would probably use a singular verb. For example, you would say, "Each couple is going to Bermuda on a different day." You just have to use your best judgment, and even though this seems tricky, the good news is that you can never really get it wrong because 1) there is no real rule, and 2) you can always just assert that you were thinking of the couple as individuals (or a unit) if someone questions your verb choice (2).
Here’s another example. A listener, Jody, asks how to use the word “family.” She wants to know which is correct—“Tim’s family is ranchers” or “Tim’s family are ranchers.” Jody points out that she prefers “are” but that Word’s grammar checker prefers “is.” She wants to know whether having something plural, such as ranchers, after the verb makes a difference. In this case, it doesn’t matter what comes after the verb; it just matters what idea you’re trying to get across. In Jody’s “ranchers” example, I too would prefer “are” because it seems that you’re referring to a bunch of separate individuals. What would happen if we changed “ranchers,” a noun, to “wealthy,” an adjective? Would we prefer “Tim’s family is wealthy” or “Tim’s family are wealthy”? In this case, I would prefer “is” because it seems we’re talking about one family, one unit.
American vs. British Usage
Adding to the complexity of this issue is that Americans and Britons handle it differently.
Americans tend to treat collective nouns as single units, so it’s more common to use the singular verb unless you’re definitely talking about individuals (3). So in America you would be more likely to hear “The faculty is meeting today” than “The faculty are meeting today.”
In British usage, however, it’s the opposite; it’s more common to use the plural verb (4). In fact, some sentences that are perfectly correct in Britain would be considered incorrect in America (3). Take “Cambridge are winning the boat race.” Although I spent my elementary-school years in London, I have been fully Americanized, so this sentence doesn’t sound right to me. As an American, I would say, “Cambridge is winning.”
A Couple of Rules: Institutions and Animate vs. Inanimate Nouns
Although no rule states you must use a singular verb or a plural verb after a collective noun, style guides do offer two guidelines.
First, institution names, such as the United States, the House of Lords, and Congress, tend to use singular verbs (1). This is probably because we see these institutions as units; we don’t think of the members as individuals. So you would most likely say, “Congress is meeting today.” If you wanted to emphasize the individuals in Congress, on the other hand, you could say, “The members of Congress are meeting today.”
The second guideline involves nouns that are animate (alive) versus inanimate (not alive). Collective nouns are always animate (4), and they can use a plural or a singular verb, as we’ve seen. Inanimate objects, such as “sugar” or “furniture,” are called mass nouns or uncountable nouns, and are always singular. So you would say, “This sugar is very sweet” or “My furniture is too old.” You can’t say, “This sugar are” or “My furniture are.” If you want to talk about individual grains of sugar or individual pieces of furniture, then you have to say something like “Eight grains of sugar were found” or “These pieces of furniture are new.”
Prepositional Phrases
Some people get tripped up when a prepositional phrase comes after a collective noun that is the subject of a sentence. For example, if you're talking about “a large group of students,” “group” is the collective noun and the subject of the sentence; however, it's easy to get distracted by the prepositional phrase “of students” because it sounds plural. The thing to remember is that the verb takes its cue from the subject of the sentence--“a large group”--and not from the prepositional phrase that modifies the subject. In cases like this, just ignore the prepositional phrase “of students” and take your cue from the real subject: “a large group.”
So take your cues from the suggestions I talked about a minute ago. If you're in the United States and you're thinking of the group as a single unit, you'd generally use a singular verb: “A large group of students is arriving at noon.” If you're in Britain or are thinking of the students as individuals, you'd generally use a plural verb: “A large group of students were listening.”
The last thing to consider with collective nouns is to make sure you’re being consistent. If you’re talking about the faculty and you choose to use a plural verb, then you need to be consistent. It would not be good to say, “The faculty is meeting today, but they are not happy to be meeting at 5am.” Here you’ve mixed a singular verb (“is”) with a plural pronoun (“they”) and a plural verb (“are”). It would be better to stick with all singular or all plural.
This show was written by Bonnie Trenga, author of The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier, who blogs at
This article is taken from Quick and Dirty Tips, The Grammar Girl and I strongly recommend for you to take a good look at what it is written there. I am putting a second kind of help, some helpful links that can make you understand what is this all about: animal groups, some that might be :), a better typed list of collective nouns, and never the least Wikipedia!
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
A great help
O zi frumoasa, spor la lucru! |
Friday, 15 June 2012
Learning English easily
This will be the first article ment to brake my rules and actually make a stand! I said I wouldn't write bad words for those who are my colleagues but I cannot help it! I have something very important to say and I will say it. This article is not a commercial for and will not sustain what I actually do. This article wants to stop the horrible business regarding teaching English with little people and little money. Some other day I was invited to "make a lesson" out of nowhere to impress some wannabe teachers and have a future collaboration for a price that is less than a pack of cigarettes. Yes, you heard me, less or almost a pack of cigarettes. They asked me about and about my prices, they asked me if I have CELTA or DELTA, they asked me what is my experience in the field they are "moving" and "they own cutting- edge tech".
I want to ask all of the frauds and hoaxes: what do they think when they put so little price on other people investments and efforts over the years????? I am learning English ever since I was 3, I am still learning this language and I constantly improve my method, pay to get certificates, learn day and night to understand and collect information to be sure what I know can be transmitted in an accurate way. This costs a lot of money and a lot of time... They, the people that think teaching and learning is so easy and they have the most important and great skills, ask us, the teachers, to come and collaborate with them over a peace of cake, or a glass of water. Guys, what about transportation, what about a meal, what about my needs, what about my insurance, what about my signature, my deal??? They do this to everybody, not only me, they ask so much and they try to catch the biggest deals with workaholic people, dedicated and passionate teachers, they manipulate in such a disgusting manner and they impose their non existing rules and in the end of course money matter most. Shame on you! It is a part of the market without strict rules that can actually give the possibility to make the difference between bad and worse. Yes, that is right! people learn English when they want, when they have the talent, can and need! It doesn't matter the method, it doesn't matter the whole circus and show they all try to do! It matters when a (wo)man wants to leran, to understand! Anyone can be a great teacher, anybody can make the difference between good and bad, it is simple. They actually expect that people that invested a lifetime in learning to teach others for free! I want to ask: why do they collect money? is it like a church? If so where is the mercy box???? Such a pity that we, the society, don't really pay attention to these details that actually can change the whole manner of studying, and can direct us on a different better path.
I would like to see the blog with pieces of advice and sharing the method, the site with free books and dictionaries, the non stop connection to the learners and other teachers and the programs or projects (or whatever they think they are) working for nothing, giving everybody a chance to become better... All you need to know darlings is that you make the difference, stop letting yourself or your children be used!!!!!!!!! Make a change! You are not subjects, you are not money making machines, you are hearts and souls and spirits and you, all of you deserve the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Manierele, o cale spre mai bine
Am mai scris un articol despre maniere si probabil voi mai atinge acest subiect pe viitor. Consider ca manierele, deja stabilite de ceva secole, sunt demonstratia perfectei imbinari dintre "showing respect", "fair play" si "low aggression". Canalizarea energiei negative spre un sport (fie el scrima, taiatul lemnelor sau arte martiale, brake dance sau dans de strada) este mai mult decat necesara. In ultimele decenii manierele au luat locul agresiunii iar energia negativa am ajuns sa o varsam unii pe altii (cu sau fara vina). Maniera PPBuilder de a introduce acest aspect atat in cursurile de engleza cat si in jocuri doreste sa traga un semnal de alarma atat maturilor cat si copiilor care pot gandi, care pot face diferenta. Manierele ne fac mai buni, ne conduc spre un stil de viata cu mult mai putin stres si dezamagire si angoasa. I hope you never forget to salute and be nice to people around you and most of all I hope you never forget to smile!
P.S. If you forgot to respect yourself try to begin by being nice to the others...
P.S. If you forgot to respect yourself try to begin by being nice to the others...
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Ziua prieteniei inseamna joc!
La Prichindelul Poliglot din Ploiesti ziua prieteniei a luat o forma unica, frumoasa si foarte distractiva. Copii s-au jucat Quarto si Quoridor si le-a placut enorm. Pe langa activitatile lor in limba engleza jocul a distrat prichindeii de diferite varste. Au ales singuri metoda de joc, si-au format strategiile si le-au pus in practica poate mai bine ca un matur. Jocurile noastre sunt foarte dorite in diferite forme, fie ele date spre cumparare, imprumut sau formare de club din nevoia de socializare si pastrarea prieteniei. Toate aceste variante vor fi posibile la formarea magazinului on line, nu mai tarziu de o luna de azi in colo. Tinem sa multumim mult scolilor care ne-au pus la dispozitie clasele, ne-au acordat incredere si ma ales doamnelor "miss-elor" care s-au jucat cu noi.
De 1 iunie ne gasiti in parcuri pe paturica sau pe la mese jucandu-ne mai peste tot in Ploiesti si mai ales in Parcul Bucov. Daca ati auzit in Ploiesti de Twister sau Jungle Speed, Rush Hour sau Abalone sigur ati auzit de noi, Playful Personality Builder. Tineti minte: imbatranim si suntem posomorati atunci cand uitam sa ne jucam, sa traim! |
prichineii Denisei |
Monday, 21 May 2012
Request and Complain... a great deal nowadays!
Whether you'd like to write a request or a complain letter you have to think them and approach them in the same style. Elegance, simplicity and accuracy must not leave you when complaining or asking for things. You must understand that shouting and insulting is not an option; to show the people you work with or collaborate what you really want is the same with understanding who you really are. If words and ethics leave you each time you think you need them then it's not society's fault.
I will put here some links with examples, samples and rules, even templates to help you create a better way of communication, a better understanding of things and written or unwritten rules when it comes to asking... for something. The most important things are the manners, the polite ways you find to ask somebody to give you something or the right way to make somebody undo a broken deal.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
The most important aspect of all times, the most studied "object" and by all means the creator of what we have nowadays: manners!!... I would very much like to stop and check the significance of the word and then try to understand why manners are as important as religion is. It seems to me that ever since the man worked with his mind, manners became the perfect code to identify the origins of each and any one of us and, in the same time, the perfect solution to get out of trouble in a diplomatic way. To my mind manners not only became the high living standard but they actually can make the difference between an ignorant and an educated person (as in a person that studies all the time).
Unfortunately we raised up this idea too much and with that we decomposed the meaning and the effect. Now, manners come along with an enormous quantity of hypocricism and fake attitude to mislead a fact, a behavior and, nevertheless to hide the weak parts of the personality of a person. It is such a shame how the good things become little by little bad things, and how we have the power to change everything we want as we want it to be. Too bad we use all our forces to destroy what once was created to support the good, to create the elegant and come to a sense.
In schools teachers try to use an unshaped form of what's left from what it used to be. It's a mystery how people feel so strong the need to return to innocence in such an active and demanding century. I try myself to open this door once again. In my opinion living in a paradox cannot make you happy. In the same opinion I strongly believe that manners shouldn't appeal to our business life but to our social life, better saying sentimental life. Manners must make you who you are not help you build a business or get out of unwanted interactions. Words, talking, communication must impose manners to guide us to a better, nicer life, to make sure we respect us and all others around us. Show and teach all the kids or persons you think that they need this. Stop looking in a different direction when you see something disrespectful! Do something about it, don't just stand there trying to "exist less" in that place. Ask for manners and sex education in the same time, having the same importance. Building better us means a better way of having everything!
Do you still remember? "May I...?", "Please", "with all my appreciation...", "thank you", "can you show me/ give me/ tell me..."
Playful Personality Builder insists on manners using society games and lots of stories
Unfortunately we raised up this idea too much and with that we decomposed the meaning and the effect. Now, manners come along with an enormous quantity of hypocricism and fake attitude to mislead a fact, a behavior and, nevertheless to hide the weak parts of the personality of a person. It is such a shame how the good things become little by little bad things, and how we have the power to change everything we want as we want it to be. Too bad we use all our forces to destroy what once was created to support the good, to create the elegant and come to a sense.
In schools teachers try to use an unshaped form of what's left from what it used to be. It's a mystery how people feel so strong the need to return to innocence in such an active and demanding century. I try myself to open this door once again. In my opinion living in a paradox cannot make you happy. In the same opinion I strongly believe that manners shouldn't appeal to our business life but to our social life, better saying sentimental life. Manners must make you who you are not help you build a business or get out of unwanted interactions. Words, talking, communication must impose manners to guide us to a better, nicer life, to make sure we respect us and all others around us. Show and teach all the kids or persons you think that they need this. Stop looking in a different direction when you see something disrespectful! Do something about it, don't just stand there trying to "exist less" in that place. Ask for manners and sex education in the same time, having the same importance. Building better us means a better way of having everything!
Do you still remember? "May I...?", "Please", "with all my appreciation...", "thank you", "can you show me/ give me/ tell me..."
Playful Personality Builder insists on manners using society games and lots of stories
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Templates! a must have!
The most beautiful method to learn English quickly, nice and healthy is to follow the "templates" and the structure in what it is that you have to write or say. I will guide you adding some links that work like a charm and can help you big time. The only thing that is left to say is to pay attention with what comes next: when writing an informal letter, please make sure not to be too blunt. Express yourself with simple words that can actually say something and continue the manner that you began with... The common mistake of all foreigners is to write the whole letter in their language and then translate it. Nope, that is a no, no! This can be a first step to act like and try to understand what "the thinking in English" means. Try to search the word (not idea) in your head and then search it in a dictionary. Try to avoid the polite ways in your language and stick to the templates! That's why they exist. Good luck!
Monday, 7 May 2012
Playful Personality Builder deja in gradinite si in companii
Programul Playful Personality Builder are pe langa joc, program de invatarea limbilor straine. Engleza fiind cea mai ceruta, a avansat intr-un mod foarte placut in Gradinita Irina din Bucuresti. Aici copii invata, dupa metoda noastra, atat maniere (in limba engleza) cat si diverse comenzi si sunetele, respectiv minimul de vocabular trebuincios pentru a se prezenta la scoala primara. Jolly Phonics ajuta copii sa inteleaga si sa foloseasca sunetele (spun sunetele pentru ca informatia este asimilata diferit decat in prezenta unor flashcards cu alfabetul sau mai rau cu existenta unor cuvinte scrise sub imagini) si sa rosteasca corect cuvintele invatate.
PPBuilder raspunde de asemenea nevoii de invatare a limbii engleze a maturilor, in special a companiilor cu nationalitati mixte. Programul are flexibilitate de nivel, de forma si de metoda, mulandu-se perfect pe dorintele fiecarei persoane. Atat la nivel incepator cat si la nivel avansat se poate distinge ajutorul manualelor si a programelor britanice de amploare si maxima perseverenta in domeniu.
PPBuilder raspunde de asemenea nevoii de invatare a limbii engleze a maturilor, in special a companiilor cu nationalitati mixte. Programul are flexibilitate de nivel, de forma si de metoda, mulandu-se perfect pe dorintele fiecarei persoane. Atat la nivel incepator cat si la nivel avansat se poate distinge ajutorul manualelor si a programelor britanice de amploare si maxima perseverenta in domeniu.
Irregular verbs, how to learn easier
Many years of learning and many years of practicing can be useful when dealing with the irregular verbs. To make this easier I thought of choosing the verbs that rhymes or have the same "end": put, cut, let, set, bring, buy...etc. Some other way to make your work easier is to classify according to their form: drive (3 forms), build (2 forms), cost (1 form). If you want to learn this in an even easier way you can blend the two methods: rhyme and form! It will take a while to finish it but it worth it!
The most important thing is to see and understand what you use frequently. Don't use the whole dictionary of irregular verbs, just the verbs you know you use. To see what you need, take some of your mails, some parts of your work and highlight the verbs, the actions, the movement in there.
If you believe these actions are hard and take time, than you can try to search the verbs that have both forms admitted (regular and irregular, past and past participle) and separate them from the others.
The most important thing is to see and understand what you use frequently. Don't use the whole dictionary of irregular verbs, just the verbs you know you use. To see what you need, take some of your mails, some parts of your work and highlight the verbs, the actions, the movement in there.
If you believe these actions are hard and take time, than you can try to search the verbs that have both forms admitted (regular and irregular, past and past participle) and separate them from the others.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Irregular verbs
One of the most important aspect of English, about speaking English are the irregular verbs. No matter how hard you'd try to speak using other parts, ways, if you don't know these verbs you don't know English. I'm saying this so easily because I can surely explain it: If you take a closer look to this text you'll find a lot of actions, a lot of verbs. Now, I try to use the simple present in most of my articles for giving a fresh attitude and a present way, face to face, sort of speak, closeness and an easier way to interpretate my pieces of advice. No matter the time used, verbs are still existing.
It is the verbs that put the mark on what's well or not so well written. Adjectives, pronouns or nouns are the ones creating a contour and the verbs are the fine touch (as I like to call it). The most common way to learn the verbs is to use them in everything that you do. When you have a busy day try to squeeze a little fun exercise by using short sentences inside your head "i'm writing an e-mail, i wrote a mail to my boss". Don't hesitate to search the verbs in a dictionary and understand exactly the meaning. Nothing will be in its order unless you understand perfectly the match, the meaning and the expressions.
A simple piece of advice: don't learn like in school. Read a book, read on cereals bags, it doesn't matter where, just read, choose a text and then try to fully understand all written. The most important thing is to become aware of their importance and try to structure them inside your head instead of creating a stress, a disaster out of it.
It is the verbs that put the mark on what's well or not so well written. Adjectives, pronouns or nouns are the ones creating a contour and the verbs are the fine touch (as I like to call it). The most common way to learn the verbs is to use them in everything that you do. When you have a busy day try to squeeze a little fun exercise by using short sentences inside your head "i'm writing an e-mail, i wrote a mail to my boss". Don't hesitate to search the verbs in a dictionary and understand exactly the meaning. Nothing will be in its order unless you understand perfectly the match, the meaning and the expressions.
A simple piece of advice: don't learn like in school. Read a book, read on cereals bags, it doesn't matter where, just read, choose a text and then try to fully understand all written. The most important thing is to become aware of their importance and try to structure them inside your head instead of creating a stress, a disaster out of it.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Common mistakes in English
Pentru ca foarte multi au inceput sa isi creeze propriul fel de a scrie si a se exprima avem "deosebita" neplacere de a ne intalni cu multe cuvinte ce creeaza un non sens. O sa expun aici cateva linkuri ajutatoare care sper sa scoata din ceata pe multi, avand in vedere exprimarea, contextul si metoda de folosire din punct de vedere gramatical. Iata aici si cateva exercitii pentru o mai buna scriere sau exprimare.
Sper mult sa ajut la intelegerea conceptului de a "vorbi sanatos". O semnatura si un stil se poate creea foarte frumos si foarte usor prin scris corect, scris lizibil. Sunt multe greseli de scriere care sunt sau nu vazute in orice articol, in orice este asezat pe hartie, asa ca trebuie inteles ca o denaturare a limbajului, fie el comun sau elegant sau jargon, nu aduce nimic de castigat. Chiar daca usor, usor se diminueaza accentul pus pe acuratete si pe scris curat care respecta normele gramaticii propun ca noi cei care stam foarte mult timp la birou sa incercam sa pastram stilul standard, stilul impus de carti si cursuri in specialitate.
Sper mult sa ajut la intelegerea conceptului de a "vorbi sanatos". O semnatura si un stil se poate creea foarte frumos si foarte usor prin scris corect, scris lizibil. Sunt multe greseli de scriere care sunt sau nu vazute in orice articol, in orice este asezat pe hartie, asa ca trebuie inteles ca o denaturare a limbajului, fie el comun sau elegant sau jargon, nu aduce nimic de castigat. Chiar daca usor, usor se diminueaza accentul pus pe acuratete si pe scris curat care respecta normele gramaticii propun ca noi cei care stam foarte mult timp la birou sa incercam sa pastram stilul standard, stilul impus de carti si cursuri in specialitate.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Writing in English
Foarte multe site-uri si bloguri invita cititorul sa isi imbunatateasca si sa exerseze in fel si chip engleza, sa faca, sa aiba, sa dreaga, insa nimeni nu sta sa explice ce trebuie sa faci atunci cand seful tau, si mai rau, mailul primit te pune sa raspunzi pe loc! sa creezi si sa te faci inteles, sa scrii in asa fel incat sa nu existe dubii si mailul pe care il trimiti sa mai aiba si parte de un reply sau o rezolvare. Well, azi e mult mai simplu sa iti faci cunoscuta intentia, sa ceri, sa reclami sau sa inviti: cautati mai intai formulare speciale pentru fiecare lucru pe care il vreti scris, apoi cautati "sabloane" de scriere si adaugati semnatura dumneavoastra. Pentru a incerca ceva diferit recomand exercitiile Oxford. Aveti mare atentie cand folositi un cuvant sau o traducere de pe Google, e foarte important sa folositi exact forma care va sustine intelesul dorit, altfel s-ar putea sa ajungeti la un non sens.
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