Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A great help

O zi frumoasa, spor la lucru!
Acest site ajuta intr-un mod placut, corect si detaliat cam tot ce se poate stii despre gramatica limbii engleze. Un lucru vreau sa adaug: in general tot ce gasiti pe blog este verificat si ar fi sfatuibil sa nu iesiti prea  mult din aria link-urilor pentru ca nu toate site-urile sau blogurile sunt eficace si sunt structurate pentru ajutor. Unele incurca sau nu expun realitatea, altele nu respecta lectia inceputa iar altii nu explica destul de corect si din toate "unghiurile" problemei, Am gasit multe greseli si de scriere si de confuzie intre timpuri verbale, am gasit destul de multe erori... ideal ar fi sa va folositi de ce va pun la indemana.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Learning English easily

This will be the first article ment to brake my rules and actually make a stand! I said I wouldn't write bad words for those who are my colleagues but I cannot help it! I have something very important to say and I will say it. This article is not a commercial for ppbuilder.ro and will not sustain what I actually do. This article wants to stop the horrible business regarding teaching English with little people and little money. Some other day I was invited to "make a lesson" out of nowhere to impress some wannabe teachers and have a future collaboration for a price that is less than a pack of cigarettes. Yes, you heard me, less or almost a pack of cigarettes. They asked me about ppbuilder.ro and about my prices, they asked me if I have CELTA or DELTA, they asked me what is my experience in the field they are "moving" and "they own cutting- edge tech".

I want to ask all of the frauds and hoaxes: what do they think when they put so little price on other people investments and efforts over the years????? I am learning English ever since I was 3, I am still learning this language and I constantly improve my method, pay to get certificates, learn day and night to understand and collect information to be sure what I know can be transmitted in an accurate way. This costs a lot of money and a lot of time... They, the people that think teaching and learning is so easy and they have the most important and great skills, ask us, the teachers, to come and collaborate with them over a peace of cake, or a glass of water. Guys, what about transportation, what about a meal, what about my needs, what about my insurance, what about my signature, my deal??? They do this to everybody, not only me, they ask so much and they try to catch the biggest deals with workaholic people, dedicated and passionate teachers, they manipulate in such a disgusting manner and they impose their non existing rules and in the end of course money matter most. Shame on you! It is a part of the market without strict rules that can actually give the possibility to make the difference between bad and worse. Yes, that is right! people learn English when they want, when they have the talent, can and need! It doesn't matter the method, it doesn't matter the whole circus and show they all try to do! It matters when a (wo)man wants to leran, to understand! Anyone can be a great teacher, anybody can make the difference between good and bad, it is simple. They actually expect that people that invested a lifetime in learning to teach others for free! I want to ask: why do they collect money? is it like a church? If so where is the mercy box???? Such a pity that we, the society, don't really pay attention to these details that actually can change the whole manner of studying, and can direct us on a different better path.

I would like to see the blog with pieces of advice and sharing the method, the site with free books and dictionaries, the non stop connection to the learners and other teachers and the programs or projects (or whatever they think they are) working for nothing, giving everybody a chance to become better... All you need to know darlings is that you make the difference, stop letting yourself or your children be used!!!!!!!!! Make a change! You are not subjects, you are not money making machines, you are hearts and souls and spirits and you, all of you deserve the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Manierele, o cale spre mai bine

Am mai scris un articol despre maniere si probabil voi mai atinge acest subiect pe viitor. Consider ca manierele, deja stabilite de ceva secole, sunt demonstratia  perfectei imbinari dintre "showing respect", "fair play" si "low aggression". Canalizarea energiei negative spre un sport (fie el scrima, taiatul lemnelor sau arte martiale, brake dance sau dans de strada) este mai mult decat necesara. In ultimele decenii manierele au luat locul agresiunii iar energia negativa am ajuns sa o varsam unii pe altii (cu sau fara vina). Maniera PPBuilder de a introduce acest aspect atat in cursurile de engleza cat si in jocuri doreste sa traga un semnal de alarma atat maturilor cat si copiilor care pot gandi, care pot face diferenta. Manierele ne fac mai buni, ne conduc spre un stil de viata cu mult mai putin stres si dezamagire si angoasa. I hope you never forget to salute and be nice to people around you and most of all I hope you never forget to smile!

P.S. If you forgot to respect yourself try to begin by being nice to the others...